ayam percik!

2:56 AM

salam alayk

lately, i've been craving for malaysian food. not the one that we used to cook everyday such as ayam masak merah, kari ayam or ayam masak kicap, but something more. last time, i made ayam percik. so, have a look!

first, perap ayam dengan kunyit dan sedikit garam dan bakar sampai masak. i prefer not to sweat during cooking, so i half-grilled and half-baked them. much more easier! 

meanwhile, blend one big onion, 2 or 3 tablespoon of garlic paste, lemongrass and some ginger.

then, tumis bahan blend sampai pecah minyak or naik bau. then, letak chili paste bergantung kepada kepedasan, serai yang ditumbuk, sikit asam jawa (sikit), 1 cawan santan. biar sampai masak and letak gula dan garam.

sambil tunggu kuah masak, ambil ayam yang dah dimasak and celupkan dalam kuah dan bakar semula. kasi sedap sikit. then, dah siap!

ayam percik yang dah siap.

this recipe is quite easy and very basic since i didn't have any spice needed. but, it was very tasty and delicious. hehe. but one tips i could give is that, don;t try to put so much asam jawa or asam keping. letak sikit ja. mine rasa masam2 sikit, but it was fine. at least, i did it. alhamdulillah.

while i'm on duty in the kitchen, i prefer to cook non-typical dish. i think it's time for us to try doing something new. and don't be too lazy to cook something good for our housemates. kita hidup dengan orang, kena give and take always. although kita student, we must do our best in everything we do. insyaAllah.

try to do it and let me know. sorry if any mistakes! alhamdulillah. :)

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