busy woman
1:14 AMfuhh.. lately, i had several packed, busy and restlessness days. i couldn't say it was tough, i just enjoyed and alhamdulillah, till now, i'm good insyaAllah.
with so many things to do, and so many aims to achieve, and so many dreams to strive, i'm still here trying to adapt my new life. hmm, exactly not a new life, but basically new routine.
life as a dental student might not as busy as medicine student. but ours are more tiring since we have so much practicals to finish everyday. plus, the class will start at 8-5 with break at 9-9.30 and 12.30-2.00. it could be easy if you don't bring usrah or adik-adik, don't have additional life (hobbies) and you love study forever like a nerdy.
block 3 is much more busy than block 1 and 2. it is not because i have more things to do, it just that i'm becoming better in my time management insyaAllah. basically, below is my everyday routine.
5-5.30: wake up. solat, mathurat.
6-7.00: golden times. (making cakes if there is any order/ study if any quiz or doze off due to short night)
7.00: prepare for class
8-4.30: class
4.30-5.30: break
5.30-6.30: exercise (yup, i exercise almost everyday either gym or tennis)
6.30: prepare for maghrib or cook
7.30: dinner and isyak
9.00: start study or do homework (might vary from doing practicals journal to planning my next trip! if got orders, baking!)
10-01.00: sleep time. i dont have definite time for sleeping.
and the routine keeps on repeating every single day. it was tiring though. in my old routine, i usually dont study at all. only study last minute, read the notes and gamble for the test! but now, i try myself to do every subject's notes soon after class. it was not easy at first because it's time-consuming. but i realised that by doing notes, actually i'm studying about that topic. so, no worries.
honestly, during my few first gym workout, i felt tired. but now, my body was accustomed with it. so, whenever i step off the treadmill, my body felt rejuvenated, light and fit. alhamdulillah.
and baking. for those who are so into baking, you know that baking is very tiring. buying the ingredients, making cake through various steps, then, you need to bake it. then, wash the dishes. then, when the cake is done, need to wait for it to cool down, then, you need to make the topping and decorate it and again, washes the dishes. put it into the freezer. then, make cake box (india didnt provide me any cake boxes, so i made mine), then, waiting for the customer to come. this is for one cake. imagine in a day, i got orders for red velvet, butter caramel and chocolate banana cakes! and i need to do delivery! super tiring.
so, that's a brief about my boring life, yet meaningful.
few years ago, i love to watch japanese movies. of those who know, japanese always try to make movies or dramas that can relate with real life. because the japanese are too busy with working until they forgot to reflect what they had done. when the times comes, they become weak and reach the limit. and they break down, maybe forever.
we, live as a human. as a servant and as a khalifah. in which, we will never rest from these two things. when we become busy, always take some time to look back what we had done and reflect them. don't go too far to achieve what we want because at the end of the day, it is the effort that count the most, not the results. one of my ukhti, Fuzah said that,
"kita kena sentiasa perbetulkan niat sebelum, semasa dan selepas."
in Al-Kahfi: 103-105, Allah tells us about those who think they had done their best, but at the end, they didnt.
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Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] deeds? |
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[They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work." |
buat penat je kan? but still, it's never too late.
so, whenever you are in the middle of struggling to do something, niatkan benda ni sebagai ibadah. insyaAllah, Allah terima. through that way, at least your life meant something. tak nak lah bila dah penat-penat dekat dunia, then, bila jumpa neraca al-mizan, habuk pun tak ada. nauzubillah hi minzalik.
bila kita sibuk, kita akan hargai masa rehat kita betul, akan solat betul untuk hayati solat itu satu kerehatan, cuba manfaatkan masa dekat kawan betul2. Alhamdulillah for the nikmat islam dan iman. Alhamdulillah.
new recipes: banana caramel cake! |
hedaya's birthday cake. chocolate moist cake with banana coins. ehehe. |
Pray the best for me and all muslims in this world. may Allah bless us in here and hereafter. :)
p/s: initially, this supposed to be a quick update, however, my hearts yearned to tell more. hee. sorry for boring post.