a day in netrani, murudeshwar.

5:42 PM

salam alayk.

last week was quite hectic for me. so busy with study, baking and all. so, i was quite miserable last week. annual day was held last friday, it means that we will be having holiday in saturday, insyaAllah. turned that it happened. so, on friday night, i finished myself with house chores, baking orders and doing notes so that i'm totally off on saturday. the whole day! alhamdulillah.

for those who are still clueless where we were going last saturday, here is the answer. we went for snorkelling and scuba diving at netrani island, murudeshwar. after subuh, we took off at 5.45 am by taxi and reached there by 7.15 am. and subhanallah, the view during dawn was super beautiful. i didnt sleep on my way there, so, i took the chances to snap some good photos. hehe. and since it was a last minute plan, we were still trying to refine our intention just for Allah. we really hope that our musafir, insyaAllah did some benefit for us. and while on our way, we were still thinking what's the hikmah we're going there. wallahu ahlam.

upon reaching there, we need to wait for an hour because the office will be opened at 9 am. so, we took a stroll around the sea. the wind was quite strong and cold, winter is coming. hehe. we took our breakfast there and having dhuha. subhanallah, it was quite new for me, and such a bliss. the dhuha was so comforting with the waves and the wind. it was still early in the morning and we felt so calm.

then, we registered and signed our liability of loss and risk formed. it's kinda like you are signing your death form. it states that the company will not responsible for any casualty. but, seriously, they really take care of us there. so, we took a bot to netrani island and the journey will be around 1 hour. while in the boat, they will teach you how to dive, equalise our pressure when we are going deeper, the emergency things, hand signals and many more. but the thing is, no practical.

once we reached there, everyone got their own instructor and so as we. mine taught me how to breath using oxygen tank and blabla, and five minutes later, i found myself in the sea bottom with fishes around me. it was my first time of diving. i did snorkeling before but the feelings was very different. u got to move with fish and see the surface with some sun rays fall upon the sea surface. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.

every time i saw fish or anything, it always came up in my mind that they also berzikir and bertasbih to Allah in every inch of their movement. how can i not to? hehe. and subhanallah, inside the sea, you will never hear anything, thus everything will be very very peaceful. even when at first, i was panicked. because we need to go inside the water secara terbalik. like u sit at the corner of the boat, and the guy will push you backwards. siapa yang tak panik, huhu? then, by the time i saw the bottom of the sea, i quickly became calm and very relaxed. and i forgot every fear i felt when they taught bout emergency things. alhamdulillah.

we were diving for 30 minutes and snorkelling as long as we want. then, around 4pm, we took off to mainland. i didnt feel anything at all. but, by the time i reached home, i felt sort of longing to be there back. underwater is a peaceful place. i didnt see any danger by doing that as what people tend to say. hehe.

so, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving us this opportunities. i reminisced back what anis nur said when she returned to the boat;

"aida, memang sebab ni kot Allah nak tunjuk. sebab cantik sangat. Allah nak kita tengok benda ni.". syukur.

And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. (31:27)

so, here are the pictures. i spent loads of time choosing and editing these, so enjoy! :)

sunrise. :3

first view of sea

sunrise near savannah area.

man out of nowhere

finally, here! in murudeshwar.

at dreamz diving office

filling oxygen tank in pile of water

the gear

to be~

anis panjat lori untuk ke pantai


the biggest Shiva statue in karnataka i think.

anjing tak bangun pagi lagi.

waiting for our boat

off we go!

arabian sea is quite rough as usual.

netrani island. 30 minutes more. 

a cave on the island.

our diving spot

indian guys who were with us.


anis nur and her diving instructor

stone fish. camouflaged.

me with my instructor


tanah gersang

i love the rocks colour. sandy brown to white to dark choc. hee..

alhamdulillah. so, if anyone want to go there, pergilah. kembaralah di bumi Allah and saksikan betapa Allah Maha Bijaksana and Maha Indah. insyaAllah. moga mendapat ibrah!

the company: dreamzdiving
total package fee: rs4500.

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  1. wahhh subhanallah
    mula2 rasa sangsi. betulke cantik pemandangan bwh laut tu
    then scroll bwh2..lg bwh..wah mcm laut dalam nyer ikan.

    me tak pernah buat diving. one day insyaallah

  2. hehe. tu lah, subhanallah, cantik sangat. you better try. worth it. insyaAllah. and it's 10 metres deep. :)
