when strangers are like family

6:41 PM

Salam alayk

Last Friday, I went to Jaya Jusco, Seremban 2. well, not because of typical reasons which are shopping, eating and hanging out, but to do usrah. when I asked my father whether he could send me there or not, he suddenly asked me,

"Kakak, usrah pakai kitab apa?"

i was like blurred at first because i never expect he will ask that question.

"erm, pakai Al-Quran la"

i know that is not the answer he want. because during his times, they used kitab the ones that ulama used. maybe, i think. however, i'm glad he asked. because it might be a good start. :) Alhamdulillah.

i reached jusco around 1.30 pm which was during Friday solat. however, i can see few (men) Muslims cashier and other customers did not go to nearby mosque, maybe they just feel to have Zuhur prayer in the surau. -.-" Asyikin told me to wait at the surau but when i reached there, i found no one whom i knew. after taking wudhu' i saw Asyikin and greet her.

i know solat jemaah in surau jusco seemed awkward and strange for this kind of norm they society practice. but, i believe mens do pray jemaah in the surau lots of time. just for the muslimah only.

"Islam begin as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began.Blessed are the ghuraba'." (Hadith Muslim)

yeah, it's kinda strange to see solat jemaah in the mall, but we do practiced that. Alhamdulillah, when I prayed jemaah with Syikin, i realised that several muslimahs joined us and without doubt, i knew that they are my uskab (usrah kabilah). Alhamdulillah.

what i really love about ukhuwah in usrah because it was so beautiful. i just knew that i had my usrah kabilah in jusco but i only knew syikin and didn't know other people. we just trust each other and make appointment and tadaa! we met. when i mingled with them, i just compare it with the way i react with a new person that i'm gonna be friends with such as in college or school because i knew i must make friends. and all of the friendship started with,

"Awak sekolah mana dulu?"

"jom, pergi makan sama2." and showed fake smile.

"sory, saya tanya banyak kali, awak duduk asrama mana ye?"

all these questions i did practiced several times in mrsm long time ago. these typical questions. and when we mingled with them at first, we felt awkward for days and only asked basic things.

but, all these perceptions of mine did changed when i went to this uskab.

"nama awak siapa ye?"

"awak study mana?"

"awak ambil ee literature? boleh la akak tolong. akak amik tesl dekat macquarie uni."

"kita pernah jumpa kan? masa usrah tahun lepas." i wondered how this akak can remember me. :)

"akak, nanti jemput la datang rumah."

i knew i never asked these questions during first meeting with friends in school. and i wondered how Allah can make us (who do not know each other ) play bowling together, eat together (sharing foods), chatting like we were long times friends. and Subhanallah, the sort of sad and happy feelings i felt when it was the time i must went back home and i need to be apart from them.

i don't feel that for my typical friends. and what makes this feelings?

Allah make us ponder to each other whom we only knew for a day, and He makes us trust each other. and insyaAllah, it will start from our niat (intention) of doing something. if i intend to go to jusco just to watch movie instead of going usrah, i will get nothing worth. but, since we went there to meet each other and to strengthen our bond because of Islam, it will be meaningful and Allah will of course, protect this bond, insyaAllah.

whatever i found in Islam were super different with what i found in this typical, common and normal life which i think everyone has the same thing. but, when you give Allah and Islam your heart, your life will be more meaningful, blissful and more special. who doesn't want it, right? insyaAllah. whatever it is, just put your trust in Allah completely and have faith on Him. :)

Wallahu Ahlam~

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