Silly person, Death, Solat

9:48 PM

Salam alayk

slowly, her hands reached the laptop keyboard and pressing down arrow button. her eyes kept looking at the pictures of her friends and silently, tears began to roll on her cheek. she wondering on why she should cry because of these silly people. these silly people who do not know to respect her at all and kept making her upset and frustrated.

and the tears kept falling for hours....

they are not her enemy and she did not intend to make them her enemy. she just hate the way they act, because they forgot Allah, because they did so much wrongs and for personal reasons, they did not respect her although they know her for years. seven years almost. and yet, she still believe it is never too late for them to repent to Allah and there will always be possibility for them to return to Allah's path and become better person, insyaAllah. let's pray for Allah may soften their heart to repent to Him.

and the tears kept falling again..

her sister informed her about her junior died in a car crash accident. she felt sad, but not that sad. after seeing those pictures, she cried. and the cries became more when she read Abi Nizam's blog about that arwah. she didn't know arwah but she felt so poignant like she was soo close to death. she wondered, how come this late fathi ihsan died in a blissful moment while her friends did the wrong things at the same time? Subhanallah.

then, the tears stopped rolling....

Allah is Almighty. Allah showed His power to His creatures. after crying for hours and ranting, Allah showed her a very nice picture. the picture of her friends (other friends) prayed Subuh jemaah together while hiking. Subhanallah. and she felt rejuvenated back. MasyaAllah.

Wallahu Ahlam~

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