That Point : The Perfection

10:42 PM

Salam alayk..

I don't know why lately, my soul feels full of emotion things. Seems like when I read a simple things, I easily feel the meaning deep in my heart. Why?

Until at certain point, I...

Whirling around the still point of ecstasy,
I spun like the wheel of heaven.

Above except comes from divine poem of The Still Point of Ecstasy by Persian poet, Rumi. I used to recite this poem during English presentation and of course, I don't understand it wholly. Now, i understand better.

Whirling around the still point of ecstasy,
I spun like the wheel of heaven..

Yes, there's the point and i can't get into it. I can only whirling around it and never reach it. What point? It is the point where I cannot go beyond myself and something that I'm limiting to. why am I limit to the 'thing'? Easy to said, I seldom go to usrah lately and have few discussion only. I admitted that, if we don't go to usrah always, our heart will feel empty, but not harden, believe me, insyaAllah. But, remember that as long we always remember Him, He will always occupy all the space inside our heart. Amin..

I'm glad that Allah put the feeling of empty inside myself because it realised me that without Islam, you can go anywhere beyond that time. Logically, you may, but soon, you'll realise that your heart is not alive.

My roomates and I and other friends used to pray jamaah in the dorm, so we don't go to surau. So, there's one day, it's Tuesday, when all of us will rush to surau that night to hear Ustaz Danial Farhan's tazkeerah. To be exact, our intention was just to hear his talk, and not some other reason. And then, there's came Tuesday again, and we rushed again to surau. As usual, every Tuesday night, the surau will be extraordinary full attended for the muslimat. I don't know why.

But, when I stepped into the surau, I heard someone else's voice, not the Ustaz voice. action speaks louder than mind. Suddenly, I felt so ashamed of myself. Because, all my actions driven with my intention to hear that ustaz's tazkeerah pouf! just end like that. End as if I go to surau with no intention. So sad. Astagfirullah.

Quickly, when something like that happen to us, re correct back our intention. So then, I continued hearing the senior's tazkeerah. Again, I whirled around the point. But it feels much different. Because i got the sharing that time. And it was so much different. No words can described it. Subhanallah. and I think, I'm getting closer to the point. :)


It is alright if you can't be excellent top-scorer,
It is alright if you can't be good friends who annoyed others,
As long as you become a good Muslim. InsyaAllah.

Wallahu Ahlam~

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