Forgive and Forget

2:18 AM

Salam alayk

I just keep saving three drafts and I only managed to come out with this.

My mentor used to say, "FORGIVE AND FORGET"

And she asked my opinion. What I should forgive and forget? Some friends said that forgive this person for her mistake and forget the past.

So, I came out with this statement. Forgive myself in the past because she taught me values in life. Forget it because it might seduced us to repeat the same mistake again.

Not everyone had very nice past and keep being kind since we were born. Everyone had their dark sides and believe me, you really want to forget it. But, thanks to the dark past for teaching you to be good in now. Don't hate yourself for being bad girl/boy in the past. Don't hate yourself for making pranks of everyone.

"dan juga, orang-orang yang apabila mengerjakan perbuatan keji atau menzalimi diri sendiri, (segera) mengingati Allah, lalu memohon ampunan atas dosa-dosanya, dan siapa (lagi) yang dapat mengampuni dosa-dosa selain Allah? Dan mereka tidak meneruskan perbuatan dosa itu, sedang mereka mengetahui." Al-imran:135

InsyaAllah, you'll be more thankful to Allah for giving you dark sides in life. It's just a stepping stone to help you away from comfort zone. It is a start to new life, InsyaAllah.


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    nice vid..feel free to watch it :)
