Might Help!

8:42 PM

Salam alayk.

Thinking again. Again and again. I wondering, what is the gift has Allah gave me lately. I mean, test. Yeah, there're a lot of tests. A lot of them, and I wondering whether I'm taken something into the account. Has I learned something valuable from the tests? Or I just keep patient and when the tests are over, I just go ahead of my life then. So, the tests are meaningless, isn't it?

I kept postponed the works day by day. Why? Perhaps, because I was driven by my habit, to do things whenever I'm in the mood to do it. So, of course, who always get the mood to study all the time? But in my case, it was sicker. Because i love to do things I want to do. Like, writing stories or compose songs. Okay, let's get back.

Due to overload works and my lazy attitude (istigfar), I completely clueless on how I'm going to finish them all. Okay, wondering and wondering, so I decided to force myself to finish all the works before holidays and send them. That's it.

The best thing is that I finished them all and got good feedback from lecturers. It was simple job, yet I made it a tough job. So, what important is MIND SET. And believe or not, your mind is directly related to HIM. Yes, He whose the one who make you can finish biology lab report in 2 hours. And He's the one who gave the good feedback. Don't be too proud of ourselves, He's the one who controlling everything. World's just a playground for serious fighter.

"Tests give chance to human to do good deed"

Are you agree with above statement? Even if your friend was having bad times, it was your time to help her/him. So, that's it. people give and take. Don't just take, role your part. :)

Wallahu Ahlam~
p/s: don't procrastinate. it help a lot.

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  1. yes!!absolutely agree with the statement. Allah also gives us tests to make us a stronger person. Aida i love read your blog. I love the way u are writing. Keep on posting...if u have time..

  2. Alhamdulillah, what's the best comes from Allah and the worst too. i'm just mere storyteller. insyaAllah, may Allah bless.
