26 ramadhan

11:35 PM

salam alayk.

up until this date, i still can remember that night. the night before raya. the night when i was on the sleeper bus from manipal to bangalore. and that night was 26 ramadhan. yeah, i remember the date vividly, of course.

i was alone. no friends, only strangers were there. we were heading to the same destination, bangalore. however, i am the only muslim. and of course, the only malaysian. that night when i rode the bus in manipal, was a rainy night. and it felt cold and warm too. maybe it's just a feelings.

as soon as the bus started moving, i began to munch the food i brought with me, just in case i wouldnt be hungry because i will be fasting the next day. and i opened the curtain widely, and saw the changing place and people. i made an alarm, waking at 2.30am. as far as i know, at 2.30am, we will be most likely reached the rest station.

however, i woke up at 11.30pm. the bus reached the rest station. quite fast, i murmured to myself. i took a short break by buying some mineral water and went to toilet. the indian people saw me like they saw a celebrity. hehe. as usual. -.-" so, i'm again, fall asleep in the bus.

my alarm rang. it was 2.30 am. i slept back. then, at 3.00 am i woke up back. i took a look outside the window. i never thought i saw it. the view was subhanallah, very amazing. it was super super beautiful. i thought i was dreaming, but then i realized that i'm not. i never seen any views like this from my past experience. all i had seen is mountainous road, lorries and that's it. but, this time. it was different.

there was a lake (never thought there is a lake on the way to bangalore). and at the lake bank, there were some wooden houses around 3 to 4. and the reflection of the starry sky on the lake surfaces really looked good. i stared at the sky. so many stars. i started to realize that there are many constellations. the knight, the '+' shape and others. i was so happy. subhanallah, subhanallah.

then, i wondered, why not of having qiam tonight? being on the overnight bus shouldnt be any problem, aite? so, i sat there, read quran and its translation. too bad, i am too sleepy. but i never realize until now, that exactly, i cant read in the car or moving things. will get dizzy. but, reading quran in a bus? on the mountainous road? subhanallah, Allah made me not to feel dizzy again. alhamdulillah.

i wanna wait until subh, but i got asleep and i quickly took a short sahur before subh. arrived in bangalore around 7 am, and i realized that the morning was cold. i smiled.

perhaps, it was lailatul qadr? or not? who knows? Wallahu Ahlam. but the feeling, is really good enough for me, to miss ramadhan again, insyaAllah. Amin.


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