Lone Ranger? NO! HE's with me.
2:13 AMKetika interview MPP suatu ketika dahulu:
Neam melihat beberapa orang di hadapan. Hatinya tenang, insyaAllah. Ketika menunggu giliran di LT4, dia lihat calon lain ada yang sedang menghafal skrip, ada yang bertenang. Dia? Membaca buku berwarna ungu itu. Isinya, hanya dia saja yang tahu.
Kakak A : May we know your interest? What do you like?
Neam: Hmmm..*dalam hatinya sudah ada jawapan, cuma berkira mahu diucapkan atau tidak* Hmm.. I love to be alone.
Kelihatan semua senior di hadapannya terkejut. Huh?!
Pres H : Why do you like to be alone? If you want to be MPP, you must be friendly with everyone.
Neam : *Sunbae ni..* It is not that I refuse to socialise with other people, but sometimes, we as humans need our privacy, our time to be alone to reflect ourselves back. Whenever I'm alone, it reminds me to remember Allah. Whenever I'm walking alone, I look to the sky, and I can sense Him is watching me there. And, I feel contented so much. It is just like when we love someone, our heart is full with love. And that's what accompany me all the time whenever I'm alone.
Abang U : *senyap*
And the rest is history....
So, believe in yourselves. Do whatever you want as long you feel confident in yourselves. Plus, don't ever you forget HIM.
Wallahu Ahlam~